one poem every day

the haiku man

Tag: moon

haiku 253

the moon blocks the sun

like my shame once blocked my joy

move on, great dark ball

haiku -27

a moment of night/

in the middle of the day/

moon blots out the sun

stare at the night sky/

stare, and count each of the stars/

go get a massage

moon, orange and heavy/

in the distance a man cries/

as if for the moon

cancer, in hospice/

grandma still shines like the sun/

glows like the full moon

an afternoon walk/

mountains wait for the first snow/

half the moon watches 

moon over the sound/
blue sky above the full moon/
Washington in spring

well before the sun/

with the Southern moon still bright/

sweaty basketball

moon begetting sun/

late winter, and breathtaking/

trees just exploding

hey there morning moon/

just a sliver of yourself/

smiling down at me